Monday, July 26, 2010

More science: Scientist discover missing link in cell mitosis!

First off, I only post things from science daily if they're at least an interesting story. But most of them are major discoveries/developments that have the power to change the world, and I don't mean that in any gay ass spiritual way. They could literally change the fucking world, and this is one of those discoveries:

source: "ScienceDaily (July 26, 2010) — A major discovery, led by researchers from The George Washington University Medical Center, promises to revolutionize the way scientists think about key aspects of cellular lifecycle and offers a new avenue for cancer researchers to explore in their quest to one day slow down the progression of cancer.

The discovery furthers the science world's understanding of what happens during the fundamental process of mitosis, when cells divide. The article was published in the current issue of The Journal ofCell Biology.

"This represents a crucial moment when the division of genetic material is still equally distributed. An even exchange is critical for stable genetic changes," said Rakesh Kumar, Ph.D., chair of the GW Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. In mitosis, cells begin to divide and genetic material coalesces around separate poles to form new cells. If all goes well that material is evenly distributed and two genetically identical "daughter cells" are formed. If something goes awry, however, it can result in the cascading production of aberrant cells with unequal and less ordered DNA and possibly cancer."

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