Tuesday, August 3, 2010

stream of mind (just exploring my thoughts)

sometimes i like to put my hands over my eyes and instead of thinking that i'm looking at my eyelids, or just not seeing anything, i like to pretend im looking waaayy out somewhere in space. somewhere millions of light years away.

i love space and astronomy. the cosmos. i love science i love existence. i love nature. i love awe. i love things that are infinitesimal. i love things that are infinite. i love evolution. i love matter and energy, things with incredible mass and i love the massless. i love technology. i love design. i love innovation. i love questions. i love answers. i love curiosity. i love beauty. i love art. i love expression. i love pointless blog posts. i love doing things for me. i love understanding. i love numbers. i love happiness. i love time. i love the like minded. i love thinking. i love exploration. i love discovery. i love truth. i love light. i love sound. . . . i love you.

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