Sunday, July 25, 2010

Cell phone wallpaper

Admittedly, i'm a wallpaper whore. It all stems from my love for art I guess...So naturally when I got my first phone that could properly display a sick picture I used the power of the internet to search for images that I liked. I quickly found that when it comes to cell phone wallpaper its best to have a homogeneous feel through out the image or one to two focal points. that being said there are always exceptions.
Here's but a teeny tiny fraction of some I have saved in a convenient enough spot on my hard drive to upload and they are yours for the taking my friends. of course now that I have a phone with a high res. display I try to stick exclusively to images with higher quality although none of these are HD some things are too badass to go unflaunted. steal as necessary...
It should also be noted that these images are all optimized for that iphone in particular but they shouldn't have a problem fitting on any other display properly, especially if you have the most basic of editing skills. enjoy, ill put more up another time i'm sure.

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