Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sitting down is still unhealthy

Awhile back I read about how pretty much ANYTHING is healthier than sitting down on a website dedicated to real science. I visit the site pretty much every day because it's Fn' awesome and because I make it a point to learn something new everyday. Anywho, heres a lil' excerpt.

" A new study from American Cancer Society researchers finds it's not just how much physical activity you get, but how much time you spend sitting that can affect your risk of death. Researchers say time spent sitting was independently associated with total mortality, regardless of physical activity level. They conclude that public health messages should promote both being physically active and reducing time spent sitting."

Yup, there you have it. playing video games and watching tv all day STILL make you an unhealthy loser. Hell i've started standing while playing guitar cuz i could end up doing that for hours.

hit the link for the full article.

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