First off, name's Corey Ernst-Davis, not e-r-n-E-s-t-Davis goddamn it, just E-r-n-s-t [hyphen] davis, and yes i have two last names. my parents never married.
Secondly, fuck blog spot for not having at least SOME auto correct (so if you expect a capital "i" an apostrophe or anything like that ALL the time, id just start reading something else.)
And third, here are things to expect from this blog and reasons for starting it!
Things to expect: well im a nerd so there will be tons and tons of nerd talk. (technology, science, math, philosophy, etc..) Also cars, guitar, comedy, art, fuckin' star wars and allllll that. ill put it to you this way, IM A GEEKOLOGIE FAN and ive got a shit ton of personal interest.
Reasons for making a blog: Surprisingly not narcissism. almost the opposite actually, ALMOST.
its more like..... hmmm... like i find few people that i know personally interesting and id rather talk to myself out loud on the internet via blog than talk to them. Should anyone want in on this action go right ahead, but be warned that your opinion means as much to me as Alderaan meant to Darth Vader. BA DUM CHING! see?! told this kinda thing would happen! but seriously lets do this shiz...
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