(photo via engadet)
Lets just jump right into this. The iphone 4's antenna is on the outside of the phone. It's the aluminum band that wraps around the side of the device itself ok? ok. there are three little black lines, one at the top towards the left and two near the bottom on either side. still with me? ok. the little black line at the bottom left seen in the photo above in front of the gentleman's ring finger is the one that's responsible for the shit storm that the media has unleashed on apple.
Here's the low down: every cellphone has an antenna, and when that antenna is covered by your hand YOUR RECEPTION DIMINISHES regardless of your make, model, or carrier. apple posted videos on their website demonstrating this with a blackberry bold, htc eris, samsung omnia 2 and even their own iphone 3gs. it's just physics. However, because the iphone 4's antenna is on the outside of the phone, the drop in reception is more than your average phone (i guess) but only if you're covering that black strip on the lower left side we talked about.
Before the iphone 4 no one cared but because the iphone is the iphone-or in other words the best phone ever people blew the whole thing out of proportion, and i mean way the fuck out of proportion. I heard some one ask if touching the strip made your phone SHUT OFF. not their fault. any combination of the media and stupid people can make things like that happen.
Of course more shit comes when Consumer Reports says that they cannot recommend the iphone 4 for that very reason AND they did some independent test experiments themselves to make sure. fine i guess thats fair but the one thing nobody seems to do is ASK PEOPLE WHO ALREADY OWN ONE. like me!
So is it as bad as they say? not on your insignificant little life it isn't. i got my I4 the day that shiz dropped son. straight pre-ordered it cuh-uh erm! anyway, heres some of my personal iphone 4 facts for you: the very first call i made DID drop (har har). I had an iphone 3G for two years and i'd say my dropped call rate started at occasional and slowly went to rarely. I have dropped others calls since but maintained just as many. or should i say just as few? what i mean is that i RARELY RARELY RARELY ever use my phone to talk. As a matter of fact I checked my minutes today and despite only getting 450 minutes a month i've managed to collect nearly 4,000 rollover minutes and thats not counting the couple thousand expired minutes that at&t has taken. this is my third year with at&t and although i don't care for the carrier (at&t) i'd put up with the worse for the iphizzle. also it is safe to blame at&t for dropped calls as well but not entirely.
Does that mean i'm not worth asking? fuuuuck naw, i still use the damn phone. i'm addicted to the internet and i'm constantly in my phone. i like my phone more than people and other than telephone usage I must say the whole "antennagate" thing is people trying to hurt the guy on top as with all number one competitors.
final words... iphone 4 is an EPIC win. the only other phone I can be happy with is the iphone 4x when or whatever that is.
heres a few or so videos showing other phones dropping bars when covering the antenna:
ps. expect plenty of more iphone rambles!
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